Popcorn Js // Mozilla/Internet Archive [Open Source]
Brief description
A paragraph describing in a nutshell what the project does. Context and relevance.
Popcorn.js is Mozilla's HTML5 video and media library for the open web. It allows web developers, filmmakers, artists, designers and others to easily create timeline based web productions. Popcorn.js helps simplify media API and implementation differences between browsers and includes a powerful event system and a rich plugin architecture and plugins.
Mozilla no longer maintains this project. However, if you think you can take it in a new, modern direction, get in touch with us and we can discuss transferring ownership of the project to you.
Stage of production:
eg, prototype, working app, rolled out with users etc..
Any blockers?
What are the things that are currently most challenging for your project?
Any components you'd like to abstract/share/open source?
Github repo if available
Github repo for the project if open source
documentation https://github.com/mozilla/popcorn-docs
Demo Video
Link to site, demo (and/or video)
eg github project page or README where can find out more
List of Stack used
Eg programming languages, frameworks etc..
Contributors list
People working on this project
Link to trello card: Popcorn Js // Mozilla/Internet Archive [Open Source]
Last updated