Alternatively, after you generate the Firebase token from running the login:ci command, install travis CLI and do:
travisencrypt"<FIREBASE_TOKEN>"--add# This command may generate a warning ("If you tried to pass the name of the repository as the first argument, you probably won't get the results you wanted"). You can ignore it.
This will add the encrypted secure token to your Travis config file.
.env file with secure tokens
If you have a .env file that stores all your configuration, you should also do this:
This will create an .env.enc file, and the step to decode is added to your Travis config file. You should commit the .env.enc to your Github repository.
Note: that there is a known bug with Travis version 1.8.11 , and you would need to install 1.8.10 instead.
Deploying specific services (hosting, functions, firestore)
If you want to deploy only to specific services - e.g. hosting or otherwise - you need to get the edge version of the dpl tool in Travis. This just means you need to add the following to your config:
This would then allow you to use Firebase CLI's only option:
deploy:provider:firebaseedge:branch:masterproject:dev# the default project will be selected from firebase.jsononly:hosting:digital-paper-edit-dev
language:node_jsnode_js:- '10'cache:directories: - node_modulesbefore_script:- yarn installscript:- CI=false yarn build# ignore build warningsdeploy:provider:firebaseedge:branch:mastertoken: secure: 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
message:this is an automatic deployment to dev by travis - CI as a result of pushingto masterproject:devonly:hosting:digital-paper-edit-devbefore_install:- openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_3c84dcdc6bbe_key -iv $encrypted_3c84dcdc6bbe_iv-in .env.enc -out .env -d# automatically added by encrypt-file