Cloud Functions

Environment Var and Config

Function Environment variables is essentially using this beta feature from GCP:

Using Environment Variables see also Environment configuration

To set in firebase environment do

firebase functions:config:set aws.aws_access_key_id="XXXX" aws.aws_scret_access_key="XXXX"

Using env var Locally

For this to run locally: firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json in functions folder, also add to .gitignore

See instructions in their docs.

Storage Triggers

Firestore triggers

Since you cannot configure a function to be triggered by subdirectories. It's only possible to listen to the entire bucket. If you have a trigger based on Bucket, the recommendation is to create a new, separate bucket so that you are not triggered every time a file changes in the Bucket.

  1. Create a new bucket

  2. Update your Functions environment config with new bucket name

  3. Call the functions.config() to get the specified bucket name

You can do environments for Functions:

$ firebase -P dev functions:config:set storage.bucket="dev-digital-paper-edit"
> ✔  Functions config updated.

$ firebase -P dev functions:config:get
> {
    "storage": {
      "bucket": "dev-digital-paper-edit"
$ firebase -P prod functions:config:get
> {}

And then subsequently in a Function you'd use the config like so:

const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const BucketFunctions =


A big caveat here - you don't have a document anywhere in your repo that tells you what this is. You need to be logged in into firebase and run the above

firebase -P dev functions:config:get

command to know what this is.

Last updated